Part of the curriculum of the Foundation Unit was to learn and practice hand drawing techniques. Therefore we had one rendering based project each semester.
First semester, we were each instructed to find a bug and then study it in great detail. We then drafted a representation of the bug on Arches 140 Hotpress and then rendered half of the bug with Prismacolor pencils. Second semester, each student was assigned an architect. I was assigned RM Schindler. After researching the architect, each student chose an image of a significant work that showed a dynamic interior space and then rendered it in pencil on Arches 140 Hotpress.
Drafting was also emphasized in this studio so all of our projects involved hand drafting in some way. A second semester project to design a language of joints had us draft two different bass wood cubes in axon view.
The final project of the studio was to draft a perspective of a designed space based on all of our previous works, specifically taking elements from the Schindler House and the joinery project.